Volunteering at HLSC
We are an active sailing club with members undertaking various watersports including weekly racing, paddling and cadet training. We have a winter social programme.
We rely entirely on volunteers to run the club.
Are you a member with a little spare time?
Are you someone who would like to get involved, but not with watersports directly?​
We would love to hear from you!
Email: holylochsc@gmail.com or speak to a board member to find more.​
Boat maintenance?
Rib driving?
Organising rotas?
Planning social events?
Helping with catering?
Do you have RYA qualifications?
Helpers needed for all these!
See our list of current opportunities
Trustees have a special role being responsible for the governance of our club.
We look for members to join our board every year.
As a SCIO we follow the legal requirements and good practice of OSCR. Some people are not allowed to be trustees - check here.
Annual training is provided.